Warrior God Arrival ~Savage God Ravana First Battle~) Ravana's battle theme, before the use of his ultimate attack.

Painted Foothills ~Highland Dravania: Daytime~) The Dravanian Forelands daytime theme. Together We Are Not Afraid) Played while visiting Moghome in the Churning Mists. For the Sky) Played during various cutscenes and missions. Jewel ~Cloud Sea Exploration: Diadem Archipelago) Played while participating in the Diadem. World of the Heavens ~Abalathia Cloud Sea: Night~) The Sea of Clouds nighttime theme.

Like the Summer Rain ~Sacred Floating Island: Neverreap~) Neverreap background music. Calming Home) Played when visiting Ok' Zundu in the Sea of Clouds and Helix in Azys Lla. Hiding in the Clouds ~Abalathia Cloud Sea: Daytime~) The Sea of Clouds daytime theme. Journey Lodging) Played while visiting Camp Cloudtop in the Sea of Clouds. Borderless Skies) Played while riding flying mounts introduced in Heavensward that do not have their own theme.

Noblesse Sleeps ~Ishgard Upper Level: Night~) Plays in Ishgard's Pillars at night. Darkness and White Snow ~Coerthas Western Highlands: Night~) The Coerthas Western Highlands nighttime theme. Ominous Prognostics) Played during the final boss fights in most dungeons added in Heavensward and associated patches. Depravity ~Abandoned Fortress Search: Dusk Vigil~) Dusk Vigil background music. Fierce Fight ~Ishgard Region: Battle~) Overworld battle theme in Heavensward areas. Towards the Wind ~Coerthas Western Highlands: Daytime~) The Coerthas Western Highlands daytime theme. Solid ~Ishgard Lower Level: Daytime~) Plays in Ishgard's Foundation during the day. Snow-bearing Wind) Plays on the title screen.